Projects On The Go!

  • Municipal Public Works Building 6000 sq.ft.

  • Laying Barn- New Construction 12,000+ sq. ft.

  • Office Complex – New Construction 9,000 sq. ft.

  • Oilfield Service Building / Completely Renovated – 13,000 sq. ft.

  • Lease Building – 5,000 sq.ft.

  • Second Story Addition & Major Renovation – 16,000 sq. ft.

4 More Central Alberta Towns to Build Your Commercial Business In

Central Alberta Construction Map

Six months ago we featured 5 other towns (aside from the primary hubs of Sylvan Lake and Red Deer) within Central Alberta to consider for your up and coming commercial development. But anyone who has visited this neck of the province knows that it doesn’t stop there. There are dozens of bustling historic and emerging districts alike, waiting to welcome your small, medium, or large business into their respective folds.

As a local commercial (and industrial/municipal) builder to all Central Alberta communities, we are extending exposure to include a few more not-so-hidden gems that you may want to consider. If you are looking to expand/franchise your business after seeing success in Sylvan Lake (and Red Deer) you will most certainly want to read ahead.

Four More Towns in Central Alberta to Consider for Your Commercial Construction Project


Brand Exposure and Your Commercial Build in Central Alberta

Brand Exposure During Construction

Having been in the industry for quite some time, we have worked closely with commercial enterprises in the Central Alberta area. Throughout the construction process, we not only dedicate all of our resources towards a successful build for clients, we become deeply invested in their business. We’re not content to simply complete your build on great terms, we want to see you successfully integrate into the community. Thus, we thought we’d use our blog to provide you with a unique take on the commercial construction process, beyond the brick and mortar.

One of the biggest challenges faced by your commercial brand when entering the Central Alberta market will be managing your brand reputation during the construction process. The construction site itself becomes a hot topic within the surrounding community. Everything from site conditions to timeline towards completion will be picked apart by your prospective customers. As a local builder, we have provided some insight to add to your existing strategy to manage your brand exposure during your commercial build.

5 Keys to Managing Brand Reputation During the Commercial Construction Process


4 New Year Resolutions for Your Commercial Build in Central Alberta

Commercial Construction Pledges for Central Alberta in 2016

It’s hard to believe that 2015 is coming to a close. With the new year arriving in a matter of hours (depending upon when you find this article) many businesses are planning for an exciting year ahead. If you manage a commercial enterprise, the prospect of expansion may be on your near horizon. If you find yourself pondering the Central Alberta market, you’ve come to the right place. However, regardless your landing in the land of opportunity you will want to ensure that you’ve taken the right steps before breaking ground. What better occasion for applying the concept of new year resolutions than towards your up and coming build?

4 Pledges to Apply to Your Commercial Construction Build in 2016


How to Choose a Commercial General Contractor in Central Alberta

5 Tips on How to Choose a Commercial Contractor

Choosing a general contractor is not easy. You don’t exactly pull up your Yelp app and make a decision on which company will build your multi-million dollar project because their friends gave them a five-star review. You’re faced with an important decision, one that comes with significant consequence if you do not perform your due diligence. When it comes to Central Alberta, this consideration is compounded by a highly competitive field of contractors to choose from, especially within the commercial sector. Thankfully, there are set criteria where which you can assess your options, and make a smart, calculated, and strategic decision as to who you will secure to manage your build.

5 Tips to Identifying the Right Commercial General Contractor for Your Construction Project


What people are saying about Apple:

  • “This is to express my total appreciation for the outstanding work of Apple Building Systems Inc. Rocky Credit Union presented the complex project