Projects On The Go!

  • Municipal Public Works Building 6000 sq.ft.

  • Laying Barn- New Construction 12,000+ sq. ft.

  • Office Complex – New Construction 9,000 sq. ft.

  • Oilfield Service Building / Completely Renovated – 13,000 sq. ft.

  • Lease Building – 5,000 sq.ft.

  • Second Story Addition & Major Renovation – 16,000 sq. ft.

Benefits of Metal Roofing for Your Commercial Business in Alberta

Benefits of Metal Roofing

So you’re considering metal roof installation for your commercial business in Central Alberta. Whether you’re planning for new construction or re-roofing of an existing property, the decision to go with a steel/metal roof over traditional materials (asphalt or wood shingles, etc.) is a wise one to make, no matter how you shake it (that’s a pun, for the initiated).

5 Reasons Why Metal Roofing is a Better Option for Commercial Businesses


Renovating a Commercial Building – How to Know When it’s Time

Renovating a Commercial Building in Alberta

So you’re thinking about renovating your commercial property in Alberta. What’s keeping you on the fence? Expense of course. That, and the fact that you’re concerned about any loss of revenue that may or may not occur during the renovation process. These are valid points, however, there are many more variables found on the flip side of your commercial coin, ones that demonstrate that going without a renovation for much longer can cost you much more in both the short and long run. Since time is of essence, let’s jump right in to it.

9 Reasons Why Now is the Time to Move Forward with a Commercial Property Renovation


Central Alberta Construction News Updates – Commercial and Industrial Forecasts February 2017

Alberta Construction News Updates

We’re two months into the new year and it’s been an interesting one already. Talk about pipelines, politics, and building permits are abound. Commercial and industrial enterprises are trying to make sense of it all. While news can always be taken with a grain of salt, there are some indicators being reported around the province that provide some positive insight into what will lay ahead for the commercial and industrial sectors, with our central hub (Sylvan Lake, Red Deer, etc.) taking notice. Are you thinking about building in the year ahead? The following items show that your prospects may be looking up.

3 Alberta News Updates that Show Promise for Commercial and Industrial Construction in 2017 (and Beyond)


Alberta Construction News Updates – Year End 2016

Alberta Construction News Updates - Year End 2016

With one full month left of a challenging year in Alberta, industries are looking at current news to predict what’s to come for 2017. As a builder, we’re connected to it all. We’re here to support the commercial, industrial, and municipal sectors of our great province. When one feels the brunt of the economy, we sympathize. Our success is tied to yours. With construction being a key facilitator of new business endeavors, we keep our eyes and ears close to industry updates. Today, we’re here to share some of the stories that may very well indicate good things to come. Keep reading.

What’s New in Construction News and How it May be Good for Your Business in 2017


What people are saying about Apple:

  • “This is to express my total appreciation for the outstanding work of Apple Building Systems Inc. Rocky Credit Union presented the complex project