Projects On The Go!

  • Municipal Public Works Building 6000 sq.ft.

  • Laying Barn- New Construction 12,000+ sq. ft.

  • Office Complex – New Construction 9,000 sq. ft.

  • Oilfield Service Building / Completely Renovated – 13,000 sq. ft.

  • Lease Building – 5,000 sq.ft.

  • Second Story Addition & Major Renovation – 16,000 sq. ft.

Why Sylvan Lake Industrial Builds Make Sense for Red Deer Businesses

Why Red Deer Businesses Should Seek Industrial Property in Sylvan Lake Alberta

The industrial sector in Central Alberta continues to grow. Red Deer businesses and organizations invested in this economic category are constantly on the look out for the best place to build, or to occupy an existing industrial park that suits their needs. While these localized businesses start their search within Red Deer, many are realizing that their best opportunity is found in the next door neighboring town of Sylvan Lake Alberta. Why is this? Let’s find out.

5 Reasons Why Red Deer Area Businesses/Organizations Prefer Industrial Builds in Sylvan Lake


What people are saying about Apple:

  • “This is to express my total appreciation for the outstanding work of Apple Building Systems Inc. Rocky Credit Union presented the complex project