How to Keep a Construction Site Clean and Attractive (yes, attractive)


A recent article on managing brand exposure and reputation during construction named site condition and cleanliness as key ingredients. While risk management as it applies to safety is the priority, aesthetics are important too. Nothing creates an eyesore in a city or town like a poorly maintained construction site. With the spring and summer months on the way, both residents and visitors alike will lay their eyes on the property of your up and coming building. You’ll want to put your best foot forward. Below we detail the keys to construction site upkeep so that your company can keep up appearances leading up to the day of completion.

5 Tips to Maintaining and Creating an Attractive Construction Site

1. The Basics

Some things may be (should be?) obvious, but they are certainly worth listing:

i. Keep all access points (roads, sidewalks, stairways, pathways) to and from the job site clear and defined.

ii. Throw all trash into bins as it occurs and perform a day end “sweep” of the site to check that nothing was missed. Ensure that disposal bins are never allowed to fill too far above the brim before being transported away from the site for permanent disposal.

iii. Remove all items and materials that aren’t being used from the work area and store them neatly in their proper place.

iv. Maintain clean and sanitary toilet facilities. Also, be sure to keep portable lavatories behind the construction barrier so that the public does not have access to them (believe it or not, this is a common faux-pas).

v. Use chutes (or other similar methods) to transport and dispose of waste from higher elevations. This keeps jettisoned waste from public view and prevents debris from scattering about the site.

vi. Institute dust-control and airborne pollutant prevention best practices.

vii. Keep construction equipment and machinery (forklift, backhoe, etc.) clean and returned to its natural position (“arms down”) when idle.

viii. Ensure that site security (locks, surveillance, and personnel) is highly visible.

2. Display Dedication to Eco-conscious Waste Disposal 

Clearly defined recycling and composting programs should not only be instituted on the site, but also be clearly defined for workers and all who peer into the site. If your site is blocked off from public view via a fence or similar structure (more on this below) then proudly display your dedication to the initiative on fence/structure signage, as in “This site is practices eco-friendly waste management“. This creates a positive psychological impression for all interested parties.

3. Get Creative with Site Fencing

Having your builder erect a fence or structure around your construction site to block public view is nothing new. However, having fun with the concept is something you may not have considered. If your project is anticipated to last longer than six months task your creative juices to come up with something that the surrounding community will enjoy. For example, you could erect a “whiteboard” structure and invite local artists and/or community youth to paint an expansive mural with imaginative scenes on it. Another idea would be to turn the fencing into a billboard or sorts, an attractive accounting of your business and visual representation of the products/services that will be offered once complete. Treat the fencing/structure as the highly-engaging marketing tool that it can be and you’ll find that the community will embrace you for it.

4. Create a Greenspace

Fingers often point towards the destruction or disruption of greenspace when a construction site is erected. Nip this concern in the bud by actually adding greenspace to the process. Bring in a professional landscaper or home and garden centre to outfit the surrounding fence area with temporary (or permanent if the lot barrier, municipality, and corporate mandate allows) greenery. Modern eco-technology even allows you to take this concept a step further, as evidenced by temporary green-living walls for construction sites.

5. Secure the Services of a Local General Contractor Who is Close to the Community

By working with a local general contractor you bring in a builder with close ties to the community. Not only do they know the municipal law of the land, they are proud of their locale and its surrounding area. They operate under the assumption that all eyes (everyone in their direct and indirect network) are on them, and respond accordingly. For instance, when it comes to Central Alberta, Apple Building Systems takes great pride in our connection to Sylvan Lake, Red Deer, and the other towns that we serve. No tarp, trashcan, or tool will be left unturned until our (your) construction site is optimally maintained for the sake of safety, stakeholders, and the public eye.

Call us at 403-887-2291 to get started on your Central Alberta build.

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